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Chippy has twenty-two Steam achievements for players to attain.

The first fourteen are for defeating the namesake main campaign bosses:

Achievementneophyte.jpg Neophyte
Achievementkraken.jpg Kraken
Achievementguardian.jpg Guardian
Achievementexecution.jpg Execution
Achievementovergrowth.jpg Overgrowth
Achievementanomaly.jpg Anomaly
Achievementphobia.jpg Phobia
Achievementmedusa.jpg Medusa
Achievementhermit.jpg Hermit
Achievementgoliath.jpg Goliath
Achievementmonarch.jpg Monarch
Achievementprospector.jpg Prospector
Achievementstorm.jpg Storm
Achievementxulgon.jpg Xulgon

The other achievements have complex conditions:

Achievementsecretcurse.jpg Secret Curse Defeat Neophyte with the secret curse active.
Achievementpopnobubbles.jpg Pop No Bubbles Defeat Kraken without getting hit by any bubbles.
Achievementpacifist.jpg Pacifist Defeat Execution without firing a single shot.
Achievementheavyweaponry.jpg Heavy Weaponry Defeat Overgrowth with at least 50 Damage pickups.
Achievementspawner.jpg Spawner Defeat Medusa with the Spawner pickup (requiring the second and third forms to be beaten without taking a single hit).
Achievementabstinence.jpg Abstinence Defeat Hermit without obtaining a single powerup (other than the shield you start with).
Achievementxenophobia.jpg Xenophobia Defeat Xulgon after destroying at least one of each minion type (all three and the boss in the same run).
Achievementnightmare.jpg Nightmare Defeat Nightmare Xulgon to complete the more difficult Nightmare campaign.


  • Achievements cannot be obtained in Easy difficulty.
  • Abstinence was made easier by the Redux update: the Shield you start with lets you survive one hit and earn the achievement anyway.
  • Secret Curse and Abstinence are unobtainable in Nightmare mode: such is hard-coded for the former due to the curse being forced on you, and the latter is impossible due to Nightmare mode's unavoidable cursed powerups.