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Neophyte -> Kraken -> Guardian -> Execution -> Overgrowth -> Anomaly -> Phobia

Overgrowth is the fifth boss of the Crusade campaign. It has a slight difficulty spike due to its ability to regrow certain pixels and even certain guns, combined with a few more relentless attack patterns.


Personality and Traits


Form 1

The first form of Overgrowth

Overgrowth has 2 main types of pixels. Invulnerable Grey metal pixels and weak plantlike green pixels. All green pixels posses the ability to regrow overtime after being destroyed. Every 27/50/17.8 seconds (or 24/44.4/15.8 if playing in co-op and both players are alive) destroyed pixels have 3 chances to regrow as long as an adjacent pixel is alive, though, if a plant gun is destroyed the timers progress is cut in half, delaying this.

The first form has 8 parts to it including the central core. There are 3 guns on its left side, 2 to the right and 2 special plant guns situated above and below the central core respectively. All normal guns are surrounded by invulnerable pixels and must be detached in order to progress the fight. The plant guns are special as they can attack independent of Overgrowth's attack pattern, can talk like the central core and have the ability to regrow after being disconnected. If the pixels making this type of gun get regenerated then the gun will respawn and start attacking more aggressively depending on how many times it has been killed, capping out in difficulty at 4 times. These guns also only drop a single damage up each time they're killed past their first destruction (where they drop their normal powerup pair).

Attacks from Overgrowth include :

  • One or multiple streams of slow pink diamonds. There are two variations including :
    • A constant stream which rotates faster over time. This will rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on both how far left or right the attack is being shot from and whether the player is to the left or right of it. The fight will always start with this attack.
    • Two rotating streams firing opposite directions with occasional short gaps between firing.
  • A fast "Sniper" bullet which gives warning with a line of arrows spawning in the direction it's about to go in.
  • Overgrowth can spawn bullets around the player. These bullets will spawn facing the player but start slow and intangible, being coloured blue and green to indicate this. After a short delay they will accelerate, change colour to orange and yellow and can now hit the player. Bullets will be spawned either a set distance from the player but at random angles, in a spiral patten, in a dense circle or at random angles but also at random distances.
  • A very slow bullet which follows the player and grows in size. This bullet can be shot to shrink it and eventually destroy it where it bursts into a spoke of 5 accelerating bullets, however, if left to grow too long it will split into 2 identical bullets. Expanding bullets will bounce off of each other if any come in contact with another. If there are 12/6/13 of these bullets active at the same time then they will only split into 1 bullet but will also burst into an arc of bullets aimed at you. If not dealt with, this attack can become problematic to deal with.
  • Spokes of two or six bullets that stop shortly after being shot out before moving again and turning clockwise.
  • Spokes of slow bullets which flash between red and white
  • Streams of "snaking" diamonds that periodicity switch between turning left and right. This can be fired in a couple variations including :
    • Two long streams of fast orange diamonds which may trap the player inbetween them,
    • A short stream of 10/7/14 orange diamonds with slightly less predictable turning.
  • A circle bullet with a triangle in the centre of it that travels towards a player, spinning and constantly firing spokes of 3 bullets. This bullet despawns after 15/11/20 seconds.
  • If a player is in close proximity with the main core Overgrowth may shoot a short ranged quick and dense stream of bullets around its core to ward off close combat.
  • Spokes of orange bullets which start slow but greatly accelerate after roughly a second. This attack is fired as a rotating stream of 2 - 3 bullets which rotates faster over time. It starts rotating quite slow but speeds up very quickly.

The plant guns are capable of firing the following attacks :

  • The sniper bullet
  • A slow circle which grows in size over time. If it hits a player it will apply the Tethered debuff, temporarily anchoring them to where they got hit, greatly restricting movement. Tethered will reset its position if hit by another one of these bullets and break if the player is hit (unless in Nightmare difficulty), uses a blink or automatically after 4/2.9/4.25 seconds
  • A set of yellow diamonds which are shot in either: a tight arc, parallel to each other or at a variety of different angles (usually with one aimed at you).
  • Every 15/21/12 seconds each plant gun will wait until no attacks are being fired then shoot a stream of pink diamonds. The amount of time a plant gun will wait lowers each time it's destroyed down to a minimum of 3/4.2/2.4 seconds after being killed or detached 4 times.

Throughout the fight Overgrowth will fire a curse worth 2 damage-ups as long as the player has collected less than 15 damage-ups (though the rate of fire will slow down if the player has more then 10). Collecting this will spawn pink bullets in a circle around the player—starting and ending above, to the left, below and to the right of the player (depending on how many curses have been collected)—which, after a short delay, will quickly accelerate opposite to the direction they started spawning around the player in.

Shield Containers and time bombs can spawn during this fight. Time bombs in this stage spawn with a 30 second fuse and upon exploding will release a large amount of small, short lived tethering bullets where the bomb was along side 6 fast homing tethering bullets.

Form 2

Nightmare Mode

Heavy Weaponry Achievement


Medal Times

Easy/Normal Nightmare
Bronze 6:15 6:30
Silver 5:00 4:30
Gold 3:20 3:00


  • Each Ring Curse: 2 Damage
  • Form 1
    • Top Gun: Cannon/3 Slowmo (Damage if gun was regenerated)
    • Top-Left Gun: 2 Cannon/4 Repel
    • Left Gun: 3 Damage/Shield
    • Bottom-Left Gun: 15 Dash/2 Freeze
    • Bottom Gun: Slice/Shield (Damage if gun was regenerated)
    • Bottom-Right Gun: Turret/4 Sweep
    • Right Gun: 5 Blink/Shield
    • Core: Convert/Shield
  • Form 2
    • 2 Far-Side Guns: 3 Cannon/6 Slowmo if odd number to be destroyed, 3 Damage/5 Repel if even number
    • 2 Mid-Bottom Guns: 3 Damage/Shield if a player has under 2 Shields, 2 Turret/5 Fade otherwise
    • 3 Plant Guns: 2 Cannon/4 Slowmo if odd number to be destroyed, Turret/3 Freeze if even number (Damage if regenerated)
Easy Mode
There are no cursed powerups.
  • Form 1
    • Top Gun: 2 Cannon/5 Slowmo (Damage if gun was regenerated)
    • Top-Left Gun: 3 Cannon/5 Repel
    • Left Gun: 3 Damage/Shield
    • Bottom-Left Gun: 15 Dash/2 Freeze
    • Bottom Gun: Slice/Shield (Damage if gun was regenerated)
    • Bottom-Right Gun: Turret/5 Sweep
    • Right Gun: 5 Blink/Shield
    • Core: Convert/Shield
  • Form 2
    • 2 Far-Side Guns: 3 Cannon/8 Slowmo if odd number to be destroyed, 3 Damage/5 Repel if even number
    • 2 Mid-Bottom Guns: 3 Damage/Shield if a player has under 2 Shields, 2 Turret/5 Fade otherwise
    • 3 Plant Guns: 2 Cannon/6 Slowmo if odd number to be destroyed, Turret/3 Freeze if even number (Damage if regenerated)
Nightmare Mode
  • Each Ring Curse: 2 Damage
  • Form 1
    • Top Gun: 2 Cannon/7 Slowmo (Damage if gun was regenerated)
    • Top-Left Gun: 2 Cannon/4 Repel
    • Left Gun: 3 Damage/Shield
    • Bottom-Left Gun: 15 Dash/2 Freeze
    • Bottom Gun: Carve/7 Blink (Damage if gun was regenerated)
    • Bottom-Right Gun: Turret/4 Sweep
    • Right Gun: 5 Blink/Shield
    • Core: Convert/Shield
  • Form 2
    • 2 Far-Side Guns: 3 Cannon/5 Slowmo if odd number to be destroyed, 3 Damage/5 Repel if even number
    • 2 Mid-Bottom Guns: 3 Damage/Shield if a player has under 2 Shields, 2 Airburst/5 Fade otherwise
    • 3 Plant Guns: 2 Cannon/4 Slowmo if odd number to be destroyed, Damage/3 Freeze if even number (Damage if regenerated)
    • Target-Leading Bouncy Ball Curse: 15 Dash


  • Overgrowth is the only boss to have shorter medal times in Nightmare difficulty (in this case, gold and silver).
  • Prior to the Redux update, there were units at the top corners of the arena that each dropped 4 Damage pickups and a special attack when destroyed, offering an additional challenge for those seeking the Heavy Weaponry achievement. They were deemed unnecessary for the level, though, coinciding with the rework and buff given to the Convert item.
  • Certain metal pixels in Overgrowth's first form were changed to plant pixels in the Redux Update in order to make detaching guns easier.
Official Content
Crusade Neophyte ! Kraken ! Guardian ! Execution ! Overgrowth ! Anomaly ! Phobia
Invasion Medusa ! Hermit ! Goliath ! Monarch ! Prospector ! Storm ! Xulgon
Bonus Quartet ! Crossfire ! Ball Pit ! Credits ! Timebrain
Other Content The Oracle ! Xulgon's Minions ! Difficulties ! Speedruns
Fan Content
Apocalypse Catalyst ! Beehive ! Xenoware ! Amethyst ! Reaper ! Triton ! Quantum
Chaos Campaign Blizzard ! Siren ! Phineus ! Labyrinth ! Macro ! Prism ! Singularity ! Forge
Champion Campaign Skylier ! Volcanion ! Wireframe ! Phantom
Uprising Mantis ! Cortex ! Overlord
Vengeance (Campaign) Hydra ! Inertia ! Splode ! Attractor ! Terra ! Witch ! AI ! Vengeance (Boss) ! Redemption ! Nightmare-Only Boss
Other Content Cultivator ! Cypher ! Fortress ! Ghost ! Gridlock ! Karma ! THE LOVERS ! Pulsus ! The Psychic ! Tryout
Stage Remixes Bonus (Fan Difficulties) ! Chippy the Anime ! "Completely Normal" Bosses ! Legacy Prospector ! Remixes of the Past ! Slow-Strat Invaders ! Variance (Mechanic Demonstration)