Chippy Wiki:Trivia

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There are a variety of small, fun facts that are more loosely related to the articles' respective subject matter. Each page is expected to have a tab with this content, and it's also the only place for information about fanmade stages in articles dealing with official stages.

Editors, please make sure all trivia are placed both in this page and in any articles they belong in. Do not place items here if they have no other articles yet.

Official Boss Shared Mechanics

  • Neophyte's first form and the Execution boss are the only cases where a boss lacks any guns.
  • Neophyte, Nightmare Kraken, Guardian, Phobia, Medusa, and Monarch are the only bosses in which it's possible to die in between forms from any source other than Containers or xulgon's Minions.
  • Time bombs appear in all non-Easy stages except Neophyte, Kraken, Xulgon, Quartet, Ball Pit, Credits, and Timebrain.
  • Shield containers appear in all stages except non-Nightmare Neophyte, Quartet, Ball Pit, and Credits.
  • Kraken, Execution, Phobia, and Medusa are the only bosses that lack invulnerable pixels on their bodies.
  • Kraken, Hermit, Storm, and the green Quartet boss are the only enemies with any guns that don't shield the respective core.
  • Kraken, Phobia, Hermit, and Monarch are the only bosses to spawn a shield from their core near the start of the fight.
  • Guardian, Anomaly, Hermit, Prospector, and Xulgon are the only bosses with explosive pixels in Normal difficulty.
  • Guardian, Execution, Hermit, and Prospector are the only stages that involve part lasers.
  • Guardian, Execution, Medusa, Hermit, and Storm are the only bosses with non-gun parts.
  • Phobia, Hermit, Goliath, and Timebrain are the only bosses that give out powerup pairs for free.

Obscure Stage Information


  • Achievements cannot be obtained in Easy difficulty.
  • Secret Curse and Abstinence are unobtainable in Nightmare mode: such is hard-coded for the former due to the curse being forced on you, and the latter is impossible due to Nightmare mode's unavoidable cursed powerups.
  • The Oracle and the Ball Pit server are the only friendly pixel-based lifeforms in the official game.


  • The Oracle's internal name is tutorialGuy.
  • Because The Oracle drops a shield and gives players 3 free shields, this stage starts you off with one less shield than normal (with the exception of nightmare difficulty, as you do not spawn with a shield on nightmare in the first place).
  • Neophyte's gold medal time is by far the shortest in the official game, requiring you to beat the stage in under 90 seconds.
  • Due to The Oracle fighting alongside Nightmare Neophyte instead of being alone in the tutorial (in which it either dies or flees), it is possible to beat Nightmare Neophyte with the Oracle still alive.
  • The blue-grey pixels in Easy Neophyte are purple. This is the only pixel colour change in all of Easy Difficulty, because plans for Easy mode alternate color schemes were scrapped partway.

Other Stages

  • Despite being called "octopus" in the files, Kraken's hard, pointed mantle makes it resemble a squid.
  • While Nightmare Kraken's double gun curse in form 3 is unique to it, the attack originates from Overgrowth's files.
  • One of Guardian's speech lines, "Aggression will be met with aggression.", coincides with the backfire when shooting at invulnerable parts in Nightmare Mode of Guardian.
  • Execution's Easy stage is the only one to have cursed powerups. This is a bug.
  • Using the recoil from Cannon, it is possible to clip into Execution's container or to the side of it where the guns that shoot lasers are.
  • Execution's container does deal contact damage but will break if a single pixel is destroyed. This does not trigger Execution's second phase, but attacking Execution does.
  • The guns which shoot lasers towards Execution will attack you if you clip too high in the arena. They will stop if you are no longer out of bounds. Destroying the guns will drop no reward and permanently disable the laser for that side.
  • Overgrowth is the only boss to have shorter medal times in Nightmare difficulty (in this case, gold and silver).
  • Phobia and Xulgon, the respective final bosses of the main campaigns, never drop Repel, Freeze, or Sweep, the three basic defensive items.
  • Medusa's first and second form's cores have identical spritesheets. There are multiple unused sprites for it.
  • While Xulgon's minions can spawn in Medusa's stage, they can only appear with its third form, and are so uncommon that Hermit is widely considered the de facto introduction to said minions.
  • Containers in Crossfire do not pause their timers when shot, just like prior to the Redux update.

Redux Update Changes


  • Prior to the redux update, Quartet and Crossfire were official Workshop stages, just like Timebrain is.
  • Alternative color schemes were planned for Easy mode, but they were scrapped due to the difficulty level being intended as an alternative to the normal difficulty.
  • Most official difficulty changes are implemented via diffInt-dependent values in the game's code. Thus, the difficulty variable in stage files is enough to make the majority of the changes in official stages.


  • Prior to the redux update, Kraken's third form summoned 4 minions, one in each corner of the arena. They attacked identically to how they attack now but instead of circling around Kraken they remained stationary in the corner they spawned in.
  • Kraken's minions didn't have their own core sprite until the redux update. Before then they used the same sprite as Kraken's first forms core.
  • Prior to the redux update Guardian didn't contain any explosive pixels. This also meant that there was no powerup at the top of Guardian's first form.
  • Prior to the Redux update, pink cultists used to be yellow.
  • The bomb in Execution's stage use to spawn a very large lingering bullet before the Redux update.
  • In Execution, the green cultist's bullet shooter and the pink cultist's toggling laser are attacks removed from the Redux version of the fight, but restored in Nightmare mode.
  • Certain metal pixels in Overgrowth's first form were changed to plant pixels in the Redux Update in order to make detaching guns easier.
  • Prior to the Redux update, Overgrowth's stage had units at the top corners of the arena that each dropped 4 Damage pickups and a special attack when destroyed, offering an additional challenge for those seeking the Heavy Weaponry achievement. They were deemed unnecessary for the level, though, coinciding with the rework and buff given to the Convert item.
  • Anomaly used to spawn another pair of orb lines partway through its second phase. Since the Redux update, this only applies to Nightmare Anomaly.

Anomaly Curses

  • Before the Redux update, Anomaly's Orb Line Curse was a flat 5 Damage instead of a Convert.
  • Before the Redux update, Anomaly's 2 Slice Grid Curse appeared during Anomaly's first form rather than its second form.
  • Before the Redux update, Anomaly had another Orb Line Curse worth 2 Shields which would spawn at the start of form 2. This still exists, but the conditions for spawning are no longer attainable.


  • Prior to Redux, Medusa was unlocked by beating Neophyte. Now, the normal-difficulty version is unlocked by beating Execution.
  • Since the Redux update, Medusa is the only Normal-difficulty stage in the official campaigns that has the Airburst item -- whose source is obscure nonetheless.
  • Prior to the Spawner pickup's addition to Xulgon in the Redux update, Medusa was the only main campaign stage to have said powerup.
  • Hermit and Goliath's placements in the campaign were swapped in the Redux update.
  • Abstinence was made easier by the Redux update: the Shield you start Hermit's stage with lets you survive one hit and earn the achievement anyway.

Cut Content

  • Guardian has an unused revenge attack which presumably would've replaced Neophyte's revenge bullet. The attack is very similar to Neophyte's revenge attack but is slightly faster and is in the shape of a diamond instead.
  • Medusa's first and second form's cores have identical spritesheets. There are multiple unused sprites for it.
  • The player 2 ship was originally pink, due to it having a feminine design. However, its hull became green to avoid confusion with harmful pink bullets.
  • Alternative color schemes were planned for Easy difficulty, but they were scrapped due to the difficulty level being intended as an alternative to the normal difficulty.

References to Other Media

  • The bow on each Easy difficulty player is a reference to the easiest difficulty level in the platform hell game I Wanna Be the Guy.
  • Timebrain's main mechanic is an homage to the highly innovative first-person shooter SUPERHOT.